We believe “Value” and “Growth-at-a-Reasonable-Price (GARP)” investments are key components in a balanced and diversified portfolio along with other complementary styles and asset classes.
Portfolio Management
Investment Cycle
Investment Partners believes that many investments tend to adhere to a cycle. Below, for example, is a representation of the maturity, adoption, and social application of a specific technology. In many cases, we generally consider entering an investment after the peak of inflated expectations has passed and the investment community has become disillusioned. Our expectation at that point is that traditional value metrics may produce a positive return in the long term when other market participants subsequently re-discover the original investment thesis. SOURCE OF GRAPH: Gartner Research
Observations, Analysis & Insights
Our investment approach is based on our analysis, insight, valuation, and decisivenes. We focus on the strategic tone and the ability of management to deliver in our portfolio selections. We are deliberate and consistent in our investment analysis, weighing the impact of key factors in our decisions: the global economic environment, domestic and world political trends, liquidity and credit availability, and where possible, tax efficiency. While we maintain a disciplined approach, our strategy concentrates on the objective of achieving outstanding long-term results and total return. We actively monitor ongoing data to evaluate the most appropriate course of action for our clients.
Execution, Advocacy & Activism
We take an active role on behalf of the clients’ interest. While we prefer to be fervent advocates on behalf of our portfolio companies, we realize that circumstances may cause us to become agents of change from time to time. We believe boards and managements should listen to their shareholders. If they don’t, we may take the necessary steps in an attempt to unlock value, perhaps even joining the board to make our voices heard among other shareholders.
Investment Vehicles – the Total Return Objective
Based on validated policy strategies, we select and evaluate appropriate investment vehicles, including (but not limited to) Equities, Fixed Income, Closed-End Funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s), Publicly-Traded Limited Partnerships, and Mutual Funds. Our ability to take advantage of a wide range of global investment opportunities is critical to long-term investment results. This multitude of options affords us a wide range of investment possibilities to pursue a client’s goals.